Monday, September 30, 2019

Principles and Articles of the US Constitution Essay

When one speaks of checks and balances in government you must understand what is really being asked. It is simply a system set up of the three branches of government that can either amend or veto an act of another branch as to prevent any one branch from having too much power over the other. Is this system effective? Over time, the Constitution has been interpreted and amended to adapt to changing circumstances, and the powers exercised by the federal government have changed with it. For instance because the federal government can influence the states it has the right to withhold federal funds from the states that do not want to go along with their plans whatever they maybe. Because the government can only exercise those powers specifically granted by Constitution, it is important to protection the rights and powers of the people. This includes the freedom of speech, press, and religion; the right to be free from unlawful searches and to a trail by jury, all of which are the first 10 amendments. Numerous real life conflicts have put this system to test over the past couple of centuries, but have stood fairly strong for over 200 years. From the resignation of Nixon over the Watergate scandal to Clinton’s impeachment over the affair with Ms. Lewinsky (Checks and Balances within the U. S Government) it proofs that this system can guard the U. S from any tyranny from administration corruption, scandals and cover-ups. So yes this system proves to be effective to me and that all the government branches remain important and no reform is deemed necessary at this time. How does a bill become a law? Getting a bill passed as a law takes time and effort on part of the U. S. House of Representatives. I’ll give a brief summary of the steps from bill to law. First and foremost a bill is just an idea either from the representatives or the people at which time if agreed upon it then becomes a bill. Next, other representatives have to support the bill, if so then it is placed in a box next to the clerks’ desk, assigned a number and then read to the house. The speaker of the house then sends it to the committee for review, research and revisions before sending it back to the house floor. Sometimes additional information is required and then the bill is sent to sub-committees before being an approved. Once approved the bill is then ready for debate by the House of Representatives where they will agree or disagree on the bill. Changes are then made and now the bill is ready for voting. It takes majority of the Representatives to say or select yes on the matter at which time it is then delivered to the U.  S. Senate by the clerk of the house. Just like the U. S. House of Representatives the U. S Senate goes through some of the similar steps. The Senate committee discusses the bill and then report to the Senate floor for yet again another vote. If the vote is â€Å"yea† then off to the President it goes. The President has the option to sign and pass the bill, veto the bill or do thing at which time the house makes the decision based on what is happening in the house. If by chance the bill has passed in both the U. S. House of Representatives and the U. S.  Senate and is approved by the President then the bill becomes a law and will then be enforced by the government. I believe that because the three branches were put in place for the people it has worked to some extent. The people get a chance to vote and elect who they want to run the country in which they must live. We get the option of having a trail that is to be fair and without prejudice. Sometimes though you have to ask yourself when making decisions are all the decisions about the people or are they thinking about themselves and personal agendas. I would have to say sometimes it is both. When the vote is about raising taxes who does this hurts the poor man not the wealthy. When they want to vote on cutting jobs in higher offices then they try and fix the budget. How unfair is that. Decisions should always be made to suit the country as a whole and not when it deems necessary. Some things that I did learn was that when it came to voting that it was something called electoral votes and is made by an electoral college who actually cast the votes for which the candidates really become president. a person running for president can lose the overall popular votes, but still become President because of the votes casted by the electoral college† (Kimberling, 1992). Now my take on this is that in actuality as a people we are not really electing a president that we pick because of this rule from the Electoral College, so why have us vote? The U. S. Constitution had been around for over 200 years and has managed to with stand the test of time with minimum problems so I believe that we should just allow this document to run its course and see it through the end of time.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Promote Positive Behaviour Essay

Understand how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relate to positive behaviour support. 1.1 Explain how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies related to positive behaviour support are applied to own working practice. All aspects of my job role are regulated by policies and current legislation. The mandatory training that we attend has been designed to cover all aspects of legislation such as the Children’s Act, which provides a Code of Practice to enable us provide the best possible care and support for children and young people. We also have inspections from OFSTED who ensure we are meeting, not only care standards, but also those relating to behaviour and how we encourage positive behaviour is evaluated. As a staff member I have the responsibility of recording all incidents of behaviour support and these include both positive and challenging behaviour. There are several policies and procedures in my work place relating to positive behav iour: Bullying Rewards and sanctions House rules The code of conduct forms part of a behaviour policy. It will state what is expected from staff as well as young people. It can provide guidence to staff when dealing with innappropriate behaviour presented by a child/young person. It states how to encourage positive behaviour, the importance of being fair and consistent, 1.2 Define what is meant by restrictive interventions. There are a range of different restrictive interventions. When some people think of restrictive interventions they automatically think of phyhsical interventions, however a physical intervention is not always neccessary. Sometimes you can intervene using simple techniques such as language, including body language and facial expressions, this is known as social intervention. Another is mechanical intervention, this is useful with children in their early years, using things such as high chairs and safety gates to contain the child in one place for whatever reason. Physcial intervention is a restrictive intervention that should only be use if there is clear justification for why this type of intervention is being used. Planned intervention can be used if through observation or care plans for example, you expect that a child may present challenging behaviours in certain situations, then you ensure you are already prepared for this as it may be that just having a carer sitting by their si de and placing a hand on their shoulder is all they need to sit back and think about their actions before displaying negative behaviour. The aim of a restrictive intervention is not to take away the young persons right to freedom and movement, it is to give them the opportunity to think about their actions and change their behaviour. 1.3 Explain when restrictive interventions may and may not be used. Physical intervention is a last resort and all staff avoid having to do this however if deescalating techniques such as ‘planned ignoring’, ‘hurdle help’, ‘walking away’ etc. doesn’t seem to work, then restrictive interventions have to be used when young people are displaying certain behaviours such as committing a criminal offence, causing harm to themselves or others, causing damage to property or engaging in any behaviour that is prejudicial to maintain the good order and discipline within the home. 1.4 Explain who needs to be informed of any incidents where restrictive interventions have been used. Where restrictive interventions have been used, staff must follow policies and procedures in place such as ‘recording and reporting’. Firstly staff on shift at the time of the incident must complete an incident report and inform management of the incident. The young person’s parents and social workers should be informed and if necessary other professionals involved in the young person’s life such as YOT and CAMHS (this all depends on the nature of the incident). Once the incident report is complete management will add their observations then send this to the safeguarding officer to do the same. Ofsted are always informed after any incident. If the young person or staff involved have sustained any injuries during the incident this is recorded on the incident report and on a body map as well as the accident book and RIDDOR guidelines will be followed. 1.5 Explain why the least restrictive interventions should be used when dealing with incidents of challenging behaviour. As explained before physical intervention should not be used unless it can be clearly justified why it was used, it is not always neccessary. When dealing with challenging behaviour you can use restrictive intervention such as language which may result in the young person changing their behaviour before it even leads to an incident. For example there is a young person in my care who we have observed that responds well to humour, so if he is beginning to display negative/challenging behaviour we try to make jokes with him and sometimes tickle him. This turns his mood around and prevents an incident even taking place. It is important to use the least restrictive interventions where possible as if you didnt it could lead to further dilemmas such as verbal abuse, physical abuse, damage to property etc. 1.6 Describe safeguards that must be in place if restrictive physical interventions are being used. It is important to ensure that the young people and staff are all safeguarded. Any staff that will be using physical interventions should have attended the mandatory training, risk assessments should be in place and staff should follow guidelines to ensure they have tried all possible alternatives before using physical interventions. In circumstances where physical interventions are being used, staff should assess the situation first to ensure it is safe to do so, is there enough staff? Is the environment they’re in safe and appropriate for the use of physical interventions? Staff must always disengage throughout the physical intervention to give the young person opportunity to calm and take back control. 2. Understand the context and use of proactive and reactive strategies. 2.1 Explain the difference between proactive and reactive strategies. Proactive strategies are strategies that everyone may use to deal with behavioural problems, they are strategies that are written in policies and procedures, risk assessments, care plans etc. These are guidelines that are in place to be followed when a child/young person is presenting challenging behaviour even if these strategies are not proven to work as well as others for this particular child/young person. Examples of proactive strategies are having rules and boundaries in place, this is a way of letting the child/young person know the way they should be behaving, give praise to the child/young person for good behaviour and put sanctions and consequences in place when rules are broken. Reactive strategies are the behaviour management strategies that you use at the time of an incident when a child/young person is presenting challenging behaviour. Even though there are guidelines in place for proactiv strategies that should be used, if you have observed that a child/young person responds well to something else and it diverts their attention to something positive then you may use these reactive strategies to stop the incident escalating any further. When using reactive strategies you should still follow guidelines for proactive behaviour management strategies and put consequences in place for inappropriate behaviour. 2.2 Identify the proactive and reactive strategies that are used within own work role Needs completing 2.3 Explain the importance of identifying patterns of behaviours or triggers to challenging behaviour when establishing proactive or reactive strategies to be used. With every child/young person you should be making observations of every aspect of their life. When they ‘slow time’ before going to school or refuse to attend school, is there a pattern in the days they are behaving like this? Is there a certain lesson on these days they dont like? Are their children in their classes on this day who they are having issues with? There is a reason behing every behaviour. It is important to identify patterns of behaviours and triggers so that you can predict when an incident may take place and use planned intervention to deal with these situations. Also different strategies may work for different incidents and different young people. Staff need to ensure they are making these observations, updating care plans and risk assessments and passing on information to all staff during h andovers and meetings. 2.4 Explain the importance of maintaining a person or child-centred approach when establishing proactive strategies. Each young person is different, they need to be seen as an individual. Young people should all be treat fairly and equally but not the same. Some strategies that work on one child/young person may not work on another. Strategies have to be tried and tested, they wont all work but the ones that do, should be identified and all staff bare these in mind when dealing with further incidents. A young person in my care gets really upset when plans for family contact are changed or if it doesn’t go ahead. Staff ensure they tell the young person with at least 2 members of staff present incase they need to use physical restrictive interventions. The usual type of negative behaviour in instances like this is going to their room and slamming doors etc. Due to the young person not actually causing any damage or harm to property or himself, staff use proactive strategies we have in place which in this case would be ‘backing away’ giving him time to calm, and with this particular young person we would use ‘humour’ once he is calm to keep him distracted. Another young person if he gets bored will display challenging behaviour through verbal abuse. Staff use planned intervention and always try and keep the young person busy to prevent him getting bored or agitated. If this particular young person is being verbally abusive staff use proactive strategies ‘planned ignoring’ as if staff give him attention for displaying negative behaviour, he sees this as an excuse to keep repeating this behaviour as he gets the attention he was after. When the young person is showing positive behaviour, even simple tasks like brushing his teeth and having a wash on a morning, he needs lots of praise to show him that h e gets attention when he is being compliant. 2.5 Explain the importance of reinforcing positive behaviour with individuals. Needs completing 2.6 Evaluate the impact on an individuals well-being of using reactive rather than proactive strategies. Needs completing 3. Be able to promote positive behaviour 3.1 Explain how a range of factors may be associated with challenging behaviour. Needs completing 3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of proactive strategies on mitigating challenging behaviours Needs completing 4.Be able to respond appropriately to incidents of challenging behaviour. 4.1 Identify types of challenging behaviours Needs completing 4.3 Explain the steps that are taken to maintain the dignity of and respect for an individual when responding to an incident of challenging behaviour. Needs completing 5. Be able to supports others and individuals following an incident of challenging behaviour. 5.2 Describe how an individual can be supported to reflect on an incident. How they were feeling at the time prior to and directly before the incident – Their behaviour – The consequence of their behaviour – How they were feeling after the incident – Needs completing 5.3 Explain the complex feelings that may be experienced by others involved or witnessing an incident of challenging behaviour. Needs completing 5.5 Describe the steps that should be taken to check for injuries following an incident of challenging behaviour. This should be done straight after the incident once the young person has calmed. If the young person directed their anger at a particular member of staff, then a different member of staff, preferably who the young person usually has a good relationship with should approach the child/young person to see if they are ok. Get the young person into an environment with privacy and where they feel comfortable, then have a discussion with them about if they are hurting anywhere and check them for injuries. For example if the young person was restrained during the incident see if they have any marks from where staff held them, check their back thoroughly if you recall them banging it etc. If any marks are noticed, firstly check previous body maps in place for the young person to ensure these marks haven’t already been identified and recorded. If not then record the injuries on the incident report, on the young persons body map and daily observations. If needed offer first aid to the young person or medical attention. The young person should be checked for injuries again at a later time as bruising may show the following day.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Fast Food Nation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fast Food Nation - Essay Example According to the movie, Fast food Nation, it is clear that commodity fetishism is prevalent and has many ethical violations that need to be addressed. The need for disconnected narrative shows that in the production of every commodity, there are many independent processes involved in such a way that one party does not know what the other does. After the discovery of fecal matter in the meat, the vice president of Mickey hamburger goes to find out how meat processing is conducted in Uni-Globe meatpacking processing plant, but the management of the plant shows him the best environment and efficient procedure. This is clear that every party does not know what the other does and so disconnected narrative is used symbolically to show that in every process of production, there are independent processes involved in promoting consumer fetishism (Linklater). The difficulty involved in making the disconnected linkage in the movie is that all parties want to hide their shortcomings to avoid other parties to know what is really transpiring. The plant mistreats its workers, who perform poorly as a result of being demoralized. The plant does not want outside parties to understand its ills thus it tries to hide them. Disconnected narrative are symbolically used to show that production processes are interconnected but in reality each party does not what the other does and so it becomes difficult to detect malpractices when they emerge(Harvey 97) . By using disconnected narrative to show independent processes involved in production, most of which are unethical and illegal, the concept of commodity fetishism is well portrayed. The evils of commoditizing production can only be eradicated if consumer fetishism is

Friday, September 27, 2019

FORMS OF BUSINESSES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

FORMS OF BUSINESSES - Essay Example Under the sole proprietorship form of business, the business ends either when the person decides to go out of business, or if the person dies or somehow cannot operate the business. There is nothing formal that needs to be formally done to end the business. In the case of a general partnership, the same principles as with sole proprietorships apply in regards liability for injuries or accidents. The only real difference would be that the partners would share liability instead of all the liability resting with one person. In a bankruptcy case, the general partners would be personally liable for unpaid bills of the business. The legal rules apply differently from state to state, but being both jointly and separately liable is most common. This gives a third party the option to bring suit for unpaid bills either against one partner or against the partnership as a whole (Clarkson,, 2006). The partners would find that it is easier to expand the company than for a sole proprietor. If there were two partners, they could combine their funds and resources for expansion. Banks would more quickly approve loans if more than one person was involved (Clarkson,, 2006). The partners could invite more partners to join if more funds are needed. They could have a written agreement that the new partners provide funds or capital as part of the agreement to join the group (Clarkson,, 2006). With a general partnership, the partnership itself is not taxed. Any income or losses flow through over to each individual’s income tax statements. The owners are taxed on their proportionate share of the business (Willis,, 2009). Under general partnerships, the articles of the partnership determine how long the business operates. Those articles can state exactly the length of time that the partnership will continue. If nothing is stated in the articles, then any partner can end it by choice. If there is an agreement in

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Dirty Water Bill Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Dirty Water Bill - Assignment Example This may lead to more damage downstream as these pollutants begin to accumulate. This policy as stated in the public outcry is literally similar to the notion of whatever happens in Vegas should stay in Vegas so this policy would fail quickly (Carter, National Wildlife Federation). H.R. 2018 bill was likely to threaten water quality in American rivers, streams, and lakes. The ability of federal and state governments would be limited in terms of ensuring that all American citizens can access clean water. The bill would limit the Environmental Protection Agency’s capability of revising an agreed water quality standard; this would happen only if the state agrees. It would prohibit the EPA from disallowing a water quality certification that is granted by a state. It would hinder the EPA from limiting federal financial aid for the state water quality program if a state does not comply with the water quality standards. Protected waters, aquatic waters would become degraded since the H.R. Bill 2018 renders EPA as somewhat meaningless. This includes weakening permit reviews that normally determine alternatives that do not harm the environment, do not go against laws, and do not degrade waters. H.R. Bill 2018 would lead to harm to the environment in the short ru n and long run. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Rules. Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 2018) to Amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to Preserve the Authority of Each State to Make Determinations Relating to the States Water Quality Standards, and for Other Purposes: (to Accompany H. Res. 347). Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2011.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

US criminal justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

US criminal justice - Essay Example Before going into the discussion regarding affect of one’s opinion about the purpose of sentencing on selecting the most appropriate type of punishment, let us get a better understanding of what sentencing actually is.Sentencing is a stage in criminal justice system in which a judge decides a punishment for a criminal. The purpose of sentencing plays a very critical role in deciding the most suitable type of punishment because it makes a judge decide whether to satisfy the victim or to punish the offender according to the law. The judges, however, can make the decision on their own in a very few situations because they have to look at the punishment which is set in the law for any specific crime. The way the juries make a decision against criminals has been continuously changing with time (Renter). For some crimes, there are laws, which apply fines and banishment for the criminals whereas for some crimes, there are very harsh punishments set for the criminals. â€Å"Today the re are many things the criminal justice system aims to do by imposing punishments and sentences† (Renter). One’s belief in the purpose of sentencing plays a crucial role in reducing the crime rate from a country. In the US criminal justice system, the aim of the judges is to reduce the crime by sentencing the criminals on merit. The goal should be to make the criminals refrain from crimes by giving law-based punishments to the criminals. Some judges believe that sentencing should be a way to stop the criminals from committing crimes by giving harsh punishments to the criminals whereas others believe that sentencing should also involve will of the victims in order to satisfy the victims properly. Therefore, one’s belief about the purpose of sentencing plays a critical role in deciding appropriate punishments for the criminals. Answer: No: 2 Some of the most famous sentencing models in the United States include indeterminate sentencing, determinate sentencing, and mandatory sentencing. Indeterminate Sentencing In indeterminate sentencing, the judges state a minimum and maximum length of imprisonment for the criminals depending on the nature of the crime committed by them. It is the most widely used sentencing model in the United States of America (Siegal 498). The minimum time of imprisonment is must for all criminals whereas the maximum time depends on some specific circumstances. The model gives power to the judges to decide the number of years for the imprisonment of the criminal by providing the judges with both limits for the years of imprisonment. Indeterminate sentencing provides range and flexibility to the judges by giving them the power to decide the appropriate duration for imprisonment of the criminals. Determinate Sentencing Determinate sentences are fixed terms of incarceration in which the offender has to spend a specific number of years in the prison. In determinate sentencing, there is a set of guidelines for the judges that define the parameters to be followed while deciding the sentences. For rehabilitation purposes, determinate sentencing model is too restrictive as compared to indeterminate sentencing. A good thing about the determinate sentencing model is that the offender keeps in mind the punishment for any specific crime and hesitates to commit the crime and go back to jail for anther term of imprisonment. Mandatory Sentencing Another type of sentencing model is mandatory sentencing in which a judge has to give a mandatory punishment to the criminal because in this model of sentencing, a judge has little or no control over the punishment set for any specific crime. Mandatory sentencing restricts sentencing disparity and limits individualized sentencing by limiting the discretionary power of the judges to impose any kind of disposition. Mandatory sentencing has helped the government of the United States reduce the overall number of crimes by incarcerating the offenders who might have

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Japan economy after the earthquake and tsunami Research Paper

Japan economy after the earthquake and tsunami - Research Paper Example The purpose of this paper is to describe the economic effects of the March 11th earthquake on Japan. The earthquake devastated the infrastructure of Japan. There are over 500,000 people homeless as a consequence of the earthquake. The overall property damage exceeds $300 billion (Huffingtonpost). The effect of having so many people homeless has destabilized the nation in social and economic terms. Despite all the humanitarian help that has come from the global community the Japanese government is finding it hard to feed and provide shelter to so many people. Due to the rising cost of petroleum and its derivative products is going more expensive than the $300 billion estimate to reconstruct Japan. A major problem that is hurting the economy of Japan is the damage that the earthquake caused to the power supply of the country. About ? of the electricity in Japan is produced by 4 nuclear reactors. The earthquake caused major damage to one of the plants. The nuclear accident in the Japane se Fukushima plant is considered the biggest nuclear accident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. Due to the immediate danger that the nuclear facility pose to the population the nuclear electricity infrastructure of Japan has been offline. There is a shortage of electricity across Japan. The lack of electricity throughout the entire country has negatively impacted the industrial activity in Japan. Manufacturing companies have been forced to temporarily shut down operations. This is affecting the ability of the country to export goods. The working class of Japan is losing valuable income everyday which is hurting the well-being of Japanese families. Another problem that companies are having in Japan is supply chain issues. The transportation system in Japan is in total chaos. The short term outlook for the Japanese economy is not too bright. The OECD had to recalculate the GDP growth forecast of Japan for 2011. The OECD GPD forecast for 2011 was lowered to 0.8% from the original metr ic of 1.7% (Euronews). There are major health concerns in Japan as a consequence of the earthquake. In the short term the quake caused injuries to thousands of people. The health system of Japan has been overloaded with work due to the massive amount of people requiring medical treatment. Another issue of major concern for the people of Japan was the nuclear accident in the Fukushima plant. Radiation has been already released into the population. An early study on the situation claimed that the 5.5% of the Japanese population living within 200 square kilometers of the damaged Fukushima plant would develop cancer in the long term (Youtube). This figure implies that 400,000 people would develop cancer. The only way to prevent such a horrible health forecast is to evacuate the entire area of 7.8 million inhabitants. Japan is still in a state of crisis six weeks after the earthquake. During the last month it is estimated that the Japanese economy has lost $297.8 billion (Theworldreporte r). Even a strong economy such as Japan’s cannot sustain these types of losses in such a short period of time. There a strong concerns that the Japanese economy will enter into a recession. The global economy will be hurt if Japan goes into a recession because Japan is considered one of the 8 most powerful countries in the world. Nobody could have image that such a strong earthquake would hit Japan. The people of Japan

Monday, September 23, 2019

My Genre-ation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My Genre-ation - Research Paper Example Music is utilized to narrate the story. The theme may be about love, hate, life, death, or the essence of being good and bad. Thus, the theme of operas is mostly concentrated on the depiction of the human condition in a society. These are universal themes that connect with the audience. One of the famous opera composers in this period is Guiseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi -- an Italian composer. The most famous in his work is the La Traviata, which was translated as the Fallen Woman or literally, the women who strayed. Its popularity is remembered because of the ridicule it received before the audience, which thinks that the actor’s voices do not fit with their roles. However, it is considered as a successful opera of Verdi because it was based on the true story (Kapilow). The audience appreciates his composition because the operas are focused on the human drama, which is intense, emotional, honest, and melodious. The opera composition of Verdi is still used in today’s era because of its universal theme that everyone can relate. According to Kapilow, the reason for the great master piece of Verdi was his direct involvement during the pre-production, production, and post production. The actors were encouraged to feel the emotion in the drama and then l isten to the intensity of music because Verdi believes that words and drama are learned first so that music will come naturally. La Traviata is sourced from the play of Alexander Dumas entitled The Lady of the Camellias (Verdi, Piave, and Dumas). The genre is chosen because of its effect to the audience. In most cases, compositions in the opera significantly reflect the characters of human beings, which differentiate the good from evil. Moreover, opera teaches a lesson in life, the choices made by a person, sacrifices for the sake of someone you love, and history that allows the audience to understand and reflect on the information taught. I have already identified the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Three Most Important Parts of .NET Platform Essay Example for Free

The Three Most Important Parts of .NET Platform Essay â€Å"The . NET Framework is an integral Windows component that supports building and running the next generation of applications and XML Web services. † (MSDN) The objectives of the . NET framework include providing a consistent environment for local and remote execution, minimizing deployment and versioning conflicts, ensuring consistent performance across Windows and Web based applications, and promoting industry standard code that easily integrates with any other code. The three key parts in the . NET framework that make these possible are: ? Common Language Runtime ? Base Class Library ? Assemblies Parts of the . NET Framework Common Language Runtime The Common Language Runtime (CLR) manages systems services such as memory management, code execution, compilation, and code safety verification. The CLR is at the heart of interoperability by providing a common environment for different codes to run. â€Å"The incorporation of ‘language’ features into a common language runtime, rather than a particular language, allows languages to freely interoperate within the overall . NET platform. † (Sessions) The CLR provides a secure and robust environment for execution, multi-language support, simplified development and deployment. To provide the required functionality, the CLR provides cross-language integration, cross-language exception handling, support for different versions, deployment support, and debugging and profiling services. (MSDN) One of the major strides that has been made with the introduction of the . NET platform is the feature of language independence. This means that any . NET-enabled language can be used to create code, and can be integrated with other parts of the program. This functionality is achieved by . NET through the use of an Intermediate Language into which all source codes are converted to provide a common basis for execution. The CLR employs a Just-In-Time compilation (JIT) process that includes only those parts of the code that are required at runtime to be compiled. The JIT includes a feature of caching that allows it to re-use code that is used more than once within a program, making the process faster and more efficient. (Evjen et al. 8) The CLR uses metadata that keeps track of the types, members and references within the code. All common runtime executable versions contain the metadata, which tells the program where to look for classes and helps if to manage memory, enforce security and generate native code. The CLR makes it possible to share classes and methods across languages, using a common type system that is defined during runtime. (Evjen et al. 9) The metadata enables the code to run as â€Å"managed code†, which runs under the CLR following the rules set by it. This ensures that the services mentioned earlier such as code-access security, lifetime control of objects and memory management, and cross-language integration of code can be provided by the CLR. From the above it can be seen that the Common Language Runtime is basic to some of the major breakthroughs in the . NET environment, and is therefore, a very important part of it. Base Class Library The second major part of the . NET framework is the Base Class Library. The Base Class Library contains classes and types that expedite the development process, as well as allow the sharing of these, to provide easy and common means for accessing system functionality, and execute common tasks. The . NET types conform to Common Language Specifications that apply to all . NET enabled languages. This makes it possible to write code in any of these languages using these types. This represents one of the major contributions to interoperability between languages, which is at the heart of the . NET approach. Thus Base Class Library forms the second most important part of the . NET framework. The . NET framework provides a number of abstract and concrete classes that make it possible to write powerful programs in any one or a combination of the supported languages. The framework also provides a rich repertoire of interfaces. The rich functionality provided by the interfaces can be used by either using an existing class that implements these interfaces and by deriving a user defined class from them, or can be implemented by creating a class that implements these interfaces. The . NET applications, controls and components depend on the type definition, which is one of the constituents of the Base Class Libraries. This enables the framework to handle various functions such as encapsulating data structures, perform I/O and invoke security checks. (MSDN) From the above it can be seen that much of the functionality of the . NET framework is derived from, and is dependent on, the Base Class Libraries. Assemblies As we have seen, the Common Language Runtime and the Base Class Libraries represent the bases on which the crucial and differentiating features of the . NET framework are built. These provide a common framework for developing the application. The next most important aspect of an application is to run it. This is facilitated by Assemblies. â€Å"Assemblies are the building blocks of . NET Framework applications; they form the fundamental unit of deployment, version control, reuse, activation scoping, and security permissions. † (MSDN). The Assemblies contain resources and types that are required at runtime. The Common Language runtime is possible because of Assemblies, because they provide vital information that makes the runtime application aware of the types and other resources used. This makes it possible to run an integrated application that contains diverse codes written in a variety of CLR-enabled languages. The Assembly contains code that the common language runtime executes. The Intermediate Language code depends on associated assemblies to be executed. Thus the Assemblies are fundamental to the . NET framework, and allow the parts to function at runtime. For this reason, they represent the third most critical part of the . NET framework. Conclusion The . NET framework is distinguished by its ability to integrate and run code written in a variety of languages, and to operate the system securely and consistently under different environments such as remote and local execution. These features have become possible because of the three essential parts of the framework, namely the Common Language Runtime, Base Class Libraries, and Assemblies. Works Cited 1. Evjen, Bill, et al. Visual Basic . NET Programming Bible. New Delhi: Wiley Dreamtech India (P) Ltd. , 2004. 2. MSDN. 2007. Overview of the . NET Framework. Microsoft Corporation. 22 March 2007. http://msdn2. microsoft. com/en-us/library/a4t23ktk. aspx 3. Sessions, Roger. 28 March 2001. J2EE versus the . NET Platform: Two Visions for E-Business. ObjectWatch, Inc. 22 March 2007. http://www. objectwatch. com/FinalJ2EEandDotNet. doc

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Constantan and Copper Essay Example for Free

Constantan and Copper Essay This crystalline therefore will not be able to hold the amount of stress which will be exerted by the weights slowly being added on; however we can predict that the copper element will face much stress and therefore will experience necking as the atoms as shown in the diagram will dislocate the atoms and therefore they can slide past each other more easily, consequently resulting in the fracture of the material. Copper is generally by itself very weak that is why it needs to be hardened and strengthened for many industrial applications. It is therefore mixed with other metals and melted. When carrying out this experiment I deem that as the number of weights is increased for copper, this will slowly exert pressure and the molecules will slowly pull apart as the bond will break between the molecules. The material will reach its elastic limit, where it has reached its point where by after if any more weights are added then it will deform and not return to its original state. Here is a diagram below which illustrates this: (Image extracted from physics textbook) The equations that I will acquire in this investigation to find out the aim, which is to find out youngs modulus of both materials through drawing of the graphs from the results I will need to use the following equation as this is what will aid me achieve this part of the aim: From my graphs, I will find out the gradient and therefore be able to work out youngs modulus by the formulae above. I believe that youngs modulus for constantan will be high because I consider from the evidence provided that it will be able to take more strain then the copper (crystalline). I deem this simply because constantan being an alloy can take more of a load then a pure metal. Here is a typical example of a stress train graph: (obtained from my physics textbook) Fair test:   Test the wire to get an average; I will do this three times. All of my figures will be to three significant figures.   I will carry this out on the same day in the same conditions, using all of the same apparatus. I will keep the metre stick stuck down to the table and not move it, so that it wont affect my results, when marking off the extension. Apparatus: I will be using the following:   Pulley   Metre ruler and a marker   Mass weights and actual storage unit   Wooden blocks to hold the wire in place   A G clamp. Safety: I will ensure that I keep this a safe experiment by: Keeping the cardboard over the wire, as when the wire snaps the wire would not suddenly lift up and cause any danger.   I will also make sure there are not people crowding the experiment when it is being carried out, as the weights can cause danger if they fall. Results: I have entered the results I have been given into Microsoft excel. From this the extension I have been given, is given in mm, but in physics we have to convert mm to metres. From the materials given I would find out the area of the wire as the area can depend on the wires, as they can have different thicknesses. Diameter: 0. 37mm The cross sectional area: pi r^2=1. 07510-7m2 To find the out the cross sectional area I simply had worked out the radius, which was 0. 000185, I achieved this figure by dividing the diameter (0. 37) by 2000. By calculating this I was left with this figure. I will need to find out stress over strain which will give me youngs modulus. Since the length of the wire is 2. 1metres this will be used to find out the strain. Here are my results for copper: Here is my table of results showing results from the copper wire. I have worked out the stress and strain which therefore simply allowed me to work out the youngs modulus of copper, and this I have shown on the computer. I have also shown the table showing the formulae I had input in the cells in Microsoft Excel. I have shown this below, in the last four columns where I had input the formula into the cells to aid me to work out youngs modulus of copper. I have shown the results I had obtained for copper above, now I will produce a table showing the results I achieved for constantan the alloy which I believe would have a higher youngs modulus then copper. I had used the same length of wire which is 2. 1metres as I made sure this was a fair test when conducting the experiment. I have worked out the cross sectional area as the same in the procedure before. Here are my results for constantan: Diameter: 0. 3510-3 Area: p r^2:9. 621010-8 m2 Here are my results stated above showing the results from the constantan wire. The results show the youngs modulus for constantan at the given force. Below is the formulae table showing the formulae which were input into the cells from stress and strain. When simplifying these results it will be evident I belie that the constantan wire will have the higher youngs module, and this will be clear in the graphs I produce. I have now simplified my results so that I can easily plot my graph from these results. I have made them show the stress to the power of 10 to the 7, and strain which is ten to the power of minus three. Here are my two tables: Results for constantan (for graph) Stress Nm times 10 Strain Youngs Modulus times by 10 (times 10 )   Stress Nm times ten Strain (e/L) Youngs Modulus times by ten times by ten Analysis: In this experiment my aim objective was to find youngs modulus from copper and constantan wire. I have shown this by taking the first step which was to produce the results table, and from this I have plotted the graphs showing the force against the average extension. Observing my graphs you can see that I have plotted two separate graphs showing force against the average extension for both materials. Furthermore, you can also see that I have created the graphs showing stress-strain for copper and constantan. This graph typically shows youngs modulus. The wires had reacted to the weights in the way that I had expected as I predicted that constantan wire will have the higher youngs modulus and is more tough typically because it is an alloy which contains 40% nickel which makes this element extra strong, whereas the copper is a pure metal and will not be able to take the strain of the load and this is proven as the copper wire could only take 24N as it broke, whereas constantan wire could take almost double the amount 42N. This illustrates that constantan wire needs more force to extend the wire; whereas copper is a material which is frail and would extend by a suitable weight which puts strain onto the material. We can perceive that copper is more easy to stretch by the information I have produced in the table as at 20N it had an average extension of 0. 013 metres, however constantan wire if what my theory is, then I believe that at 20N, constantan should have a smaller average extension then copper has. Looking at the table, the average extension for constantan at 20N is 0. 006 metres. This proves my theory correct as these two results show the difference between the two materials instantly. We can now say that constantan is more tensile, as an alloy it has an enables the dislocation of the atoms which help grip the structure together and therefore give it the property of being tough, this is explained in my diagram I have drawn on page 3. I believe that the atoms in the pure metal copper, had displaced and therefore become unstable when the load was placing strain upon the wire. This would ultimately, make the atoms move out of position and break up, resulting in the wire shattering. This is why when the copper wire had reached its maximum load which was 24N, the atoms had suffered a permanent deformation in the arrangement as they would have been changed in their formation, but unable to move back. This is the same principle with the wire, as it was being stretched and the atoms moved out of place, but the load was greater then the elastic limit could handle and this is why there is a permanent deformation where the wire does not return back to it original shape and changes length, resulting in the increase in extension. In the constantan wire, this would be identical however the atoms would be harder to move out of place, as this material can handle far more load then the copper wire could. So at the same weight (24N) this wire would still return to its original shape because it is in its elastic state. However once it exceeds it elastic limit, then the wire loses its formation of atoms and does not return to its original shape. Here is a graph showing elastic and plastic locations in this graph, this is a way of working out youngs modulus, or by working out the gradient of a graph. I have also found a diagram from my physics textbook, which shows the general yield stress for materials including copper and constantan. By observing the diagram this will give further evidence for my analysis upon the results I have achieved: What each of my graphs show:   My first graph shows force against the average extension for the copper wire, this graph shows that the average extension had increased with the force, however only to a certain point, as this remained elastic from 0N to 24N. After this remained plastic, where the wire could not handle any more load and had shattered. My second graph shows force against average extension for constantan wire. This wire indicated through the graph actually can handle much load, and it has a very large elastic region, as this alloy is very tough, therefore can handle large amounts of weights. This wire could handle 42N however after it then remains plastic, and broke.   The third and final graph illustrates further insight into the youngs modulus of copper and constantan wire, as I have plotted the two materials on the same graph. It is indicated that constantan has a higher youngs modulus compared to copper material. This is because copper can easily be shattered as it stretched very much compared to constantan. The gradient is smaller compared the constantans, which means copper has the smaller youngs modulus because it is a metal and nothing stronger whereas the constant material has elements such as nickel which gives it the strength it requires to dominate copper. Evaluation: I perceive that this experiment was completed under fair conditions as this was kept a fair test at all times. I believe that repeating the experiment three times, had made this fair and given the accuracy which was needed. I had made sure that the materials were used to 2. 1 metres in length and had the same diameter. However, the errors which appeared in this experiment (uncertainties) are where when measuring the wire of the constantan or copper I had rounded up or down the value depending n whether it was greater then X. 5 or below. In my graphs, this is shown as these have been drawn in for average extension, so there is an uncertainty error of about 0.5mm. Another uncertainty spotted I believe is where I had calculated youngs modulus on the graph, I plotted a line of best fit. The line of best fit was drawn in hand by me, however this line can cause uncertainty as this is based on human error and accuracy as everyone will have their own judgment and perception when drawing the line of best fit. Furthermore, I can see that my line of best fit is not totally wrong as looking at the young modulus of copper which is 3*10 to the power of 10, and constantan 6. 40 to the power of 10. We can see that constantan youngs modulus was said to roughly double coppers youngs modulus value, and this is proven by these two figures given. We can see that these two figures are nearly double in difference therefore they seem to be correct. When measuring the wire with a metre stick I found there were an uncertainty of 0. 5mm, and an uncertainty of 1% with the weights. The experiment in general had gone according to plan. Im pleased with what I had found out through the results as I believe my prediction was correct and backed up by the results from the graph I had achieved. I believe that repeating the experiment three times meant that I had accurate results as from the average extension I plotted the graphs. Concluding this experiment I had found out that constant had the higher youngs modulus due to it being an alloy and containing the 40% of Nickel which gives it the strength property. Copper however, had been more flexible being a pure metal the atoms were easily dislocated and this resulted in copper breaking very easily as it had a small elastic limit. Improvements-IF TO DO IT AGAIN. Bibliography:I had obtained information from the following resources: o AS physics textbook: I had found this source extremely interesting and useful as much of the diagrams I had used came from this textbook, which explained the comparison between the pure metal and alloy. This textbook had given much information which was relevant to this coursework. 8/10 o AS physics CD-ROM: I had achieved the diagrams mostly from the CD ROM, this CD had many diagrams which were useful, however this did not contain much written information which was useful and could aid me with this coursework.6/10 o Internet: I found that the information from these sources seemed very reliable and information I had gained, helped me understand the complex issues with the relation of physics to youngs modulus. I had obtained the various information I have included on the background information on the sensor from the following Internet sites: o http://www. emsl. com/tensile_strength. html o http://www. encyclopedia. com/html/Y/Youngsmo. asp o http://hyperphysics. phy-astr. gsu. edu/hbase/permot3. html.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Facebook As A Learning Tool

Facebook As A Learning Tool Many teachers believe that students using laptops during class are not always taking notes or doing research related to their class discussion. If students are wondering then chances are they are using Facebook. Statistics show that students spend most of their time on Facebook. Most of the teachers believe that Facebook is a disturbance in the classroom, but Facebook has the potential to be a learning tool when it`s used strategically and creatively. I assert that Facebook can be a reliable and a popular medium through which both educators and students can interact appropriately. I will review findings by some researchers to understand the relationship between Facebook and education, and will show how it could be a reliable and popular mean to be used as a learning tool by focusing on three main points: (1) Facebook promotes knowledge and maintains effective and efficient student interaction with educators. (2) Facebook open doors to new opportunities for ubiquitous learning. (3) Fa cebook as a medium to develop communication skills and encourage participation and social commitment. Develop communication skills and encourage participation and social commitment: Communication through Facebook is different from traditional face-to-face communication. First, friendships through Facebook are explicit, where traditional friendships usually tend to be implicit. Secondly, conversations through Facebook are persistent. They are permanently stored and easily retrieved at any point in time. Finally, Facebook conversations share with all friends who can access someones profile (Siegle 15). Facebook is used as a primary communication activity through which young adults post, comment, and share information with each other. Facebook can provide a window into anyones life. Given that fact, it is the responsibility of the parents to monitor and provide guidelines to their children once they start using Facebook. The use of Facebook by students entails education-related interactions, while some use it to obtain information on a missed class, others may use Facebook to engage in humorous comments about their own and their teachers actions. No one can deny the fact that Facebook broke down the barriers between students and educators because the informal learning that occurs in the context of sharing media offers important opportunities for increased student involvement in formal learning settings (Fewkes and McCabe 2012). Fewkes and McCabe have argued that a learning community would perform its best if the characteristics of connectedness and trust have been established amongst the learners (Fewkes and McCabe 2012). For this reason, education remains one of the areas most heavily impacted by technology. Promotes knowledge and maintaining effective and efficient student interaction with educators: Various studies have been conducted on teachers, university professors, and young adults to understand and assess the usage of social networks in the light of education and its effect on students academic achievements as well as fulfilling the desire of promoting knowledge and maintaining effective and efficient student interaction with educators. Aaron M. Fewkes and Mike McCabe conducted a survey on a sample of students at Waterloo Regional District School Board after the latter had made a decision to embrace the growing popularity of Facebook to verify if their vision of using Facebook in schools aligns with the actual behavior of the students. The results show that 48% of students do log on to Facebook at least once during class time, moreover, the research exposed a possible disconnect between school board and students due to improper implementation of this policy. Educators who relied on Facebook to follow professional organizations were more knowledgeable than those who did not (Pilgrim and Bledsoe 38-39). We live in an age in which we are fully dependent on instant updates and information, the rationale behind using Facebook as a tool for professional learning adopts the idea that the internet is this generations defining technology for literacy (Pilgrim and Bledsoe 39). Facebook is indeed an important source of information for educators who seek to continue their learning. According to a study conducted on university instructors in Turkey, all instructors who participated in the survey somehow use Facebook in their courses; even the instructor with the lowest frequency had used Facebook to make announcements about the course by creating a group. The study concludes that instructors have adopted Facebook and they are using it intensively, with a greater tendency toward its use for educational purposes. According to my cited sources, the studies recognized Facebook as a reliable source for academicians because it is flexible and user friendly, in addition, the sources emphasized on the role of Facebook as a medium between students and instructors and argued that Facebook can neither be solely dependable for conducting courses nor can it be ignored. Open doors to new opportunities for ubiquitous learning: Educators respond the use of technology in their classrooms in five ways: (1) Ban it: This has been deemed ineffective due to the fact that technology is becoming a part of our life that we constantly use. Typical workarounds are hiding devices behind books and texting from pockets. (2) Do business as usual: I disagree with this behavior of educators as it is the educators responsibility to engage the students in their classrooms (3) limit the use of Technology: a clear guideline indicating what is to be tolerated and what would be unacceptable. (4) Enhance traditional practice: Technology is dependent on users. (5) Use the technology to restructure the educational process: encourage students to use technology for inquiry, problem solving and/or instruction. (Siegle ) If I was an instructor, my choice would be the fifth option, as it is the most effective and efficient according to the studies conducted by Pilgrim, Beldsoe, and Siegle, who all have concluded in their studies the importance of learning how to incorporate Facebook into the education process. The use of technology allows students to use social media websites like Facebook to engage in formal or informal discussions with their instructor as well as their fellow students. There are many ways educators and students can connect using Facebook. For instance, teachers can post comments for the students, students can post their final work for their peers to review and provide feedback, and also students can use the wall feature to ask questions and respond to each other. In addition, teachers set up a central page where all classroom mates can join to participate at any time of their choice to exchange knowledge and understanding of the subject being studied. Using social media should be, however, accompanied by some important precautions which educators should adhere to when using Facebook as a tool for educating students: (1) Teachers should consider setting up a separate Facebook account. (2) Educators should obtain signed parental consent prior to interacting with young students on Facebook. (3) Teachers should refrain from installing any applications on their page that would negatively affect their professional image. (4) Educators should remind students that they need to transfer the respectful tone teachers expect in class to their online interactions with them and ensure that students are aware that a teachers ethical responsibility will continue online. After I have explored the usage of Facebook by educators as well as students and identified the benefits of such usage by each party, I can say that Facebook is a reliable and a popular medium through which both educators and students can interact appropriately. In order for this medium of communication to work in its most effective and efficient way, students need to be trustful and self-regulated, that is, to refrain from the over- use of Facebook. In conclusion, Educators and students use Facebook; the education process should be focused on the interaction of each party with the other and not the technology itself. Facebook opens new doors to students and allows their knowledge to grow. Facebook also allows them to learn about themselves from their peers. It is my belief that social networks like Facebook will continue to evolve and optimize the education channels in the context of human communication. Educators should consider Facebook as a mean of enhanced communication that provides traceability to what has been discussed and a source of feedback and/or evaluation on whether the discussion has fulfilled what it is mandated for or not.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Graduation Speech: We Are the Future :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Today is our first day of being the leaders, doers, and problem solvers of the future. Those who persevere, who give it their all and approach each day with optimism will ultimately meet success and happiness. Of course, there will be many a failure on that windy road of life, but with dedication, we can do anything and make any dream come true. But, as we grow older and encounter success, we must not forget those who have had it rough, whose lives may have hit some potholes on the way, and we must take care of those who need a helping hand. As each of us leaves our mark on the world, be generous and be happy, and always remember the good times, good friends, and lessons learned at Marefat. Being Marefat's first graduating class to complete all four years, one can say we've acquired a higher level of school wisdom than any previous class. We've formed traditions, we've set records, and we've made a lot of friends along the way. I remember our freshman year when we could use the excuse of being a new school for every shortcoming we encountered. I remember our sophomore year, the last time I cleaned my bedroom, when Marefat had its first senior class, and the school seemed to shrink for some reason. Last year we were the juniors, and we conquered the SAT tests: And made it through those busy days where you hadn't quite found room in your schedule to pencil in a bathroom break, dinner or sleep. Well, this year we were the kings and queens, there was Star Wars, Starbucks, and a certain football team lost its winning streak to the mighty Knights. Looking back we can see our accomplishments and the marks we made. Now, we must take all that we have learned in our years at Mare fat and apply it to our future. Just as we have set traditions here, we must enter the world ready to tackle new problems and work out new solutions. We are the ones who can break all of those records that have been set, and have our names etched in history. It's our turn -- the world is ours and we just have to decide what we want to do with it. Throughout our successful lives, though, we can't forget those who struggle and we can't forget to take care of our families and community.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Book :: essays research papers

Anger is a very powerful emotion. Anger generates hostility and a loss of control. It can tear into a person’s heart and ruin them. We see this in Norman Mailer’s book The Executioner’s Song. The main character, Gary Gilmore, demonstrates so much anger that his blind rage leads to murder. There are many sources of anger that lead Gary to commit the violent murders that he has.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We see that Gary has a lot of pent up anger in him. This is shown in a number of instances. When Gary Gilmore was first put in jail he was 22 years old. As we hear through his depiction of prison life he spent a lot of time in solitary confinement and enjoyed telling people of his â€Å"hard-core† criminal ways. He stabbed a man 57 times for no reason at all. While in jail, Gary is placed in solitary confinement for four years of his sentence because he is unable to have normal relations with other convicts. This is not the behavior that a â€Å"normal† person exhibits.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gary also seems to be uncontrollable. He is proud of the fact that he had stolen. â€Å"By the time he was 14, Gilmore said, he’d broken into 50 houses. Maybe more.† (354) Gilmore also states that he stole from stores, such as J.C. Penney’s. He boasts about this to his cellmate Gibbs. He also picked fights frequently and fought very unfairly. In a rage Gary attacked Pete for making an accusation about Gary trying to get into a young girl’s pants. Pete was â€Å"slammed on the neck from behind,† by Gary. (124) Vern, Gary’s uncle who witnessed the fight, then questioned Gary’s manhood and integrity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another uncontrollable urge that Gary had was the desire to rape females. He tried to convince Rikki, a friend of his, to partake in this action. Besides not being able to control his sexual desires he was also abusive towards women when he became the slightest bit upset. â€Å"Gary finally wedged her [Nicole] into the space between the bucket seats and got his hand over her mouth†¦He had his other hand on her throat to hold her down.† (156) He was also very casual about slapping Nicole across the face when he gotangry. Once again this proves that his anger dictates his actions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gary is also rather short with people. He tends to dismiss people rather quickly.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Employment Laws and HRM Strategy Essay

Describe the scenario that you have selected and its corresponding employment laws. The human resource scenario the writer selected is the need for seasonal employees who may be from another country. Employment laws for the state of Mississippi will be a base used to solve this issue. Mississippi Wage and Hour Laws from the Employment Law Handbook insures that seasonal workers are provided with a minimum wage, meals and breaks, vacation, sick leave, severance and holidays. Mississippi currently does not have any state laws requiring or regulating these requests. Mississippi uses federal guidelines as a base for establishing employment laws. The federal law as of today requires a minimum wage of 7.25 dollars. The federal law for overtime is also followed by Mississippi. Meals and breaks according to federal law are not defined. Breaks taken by an employee that are less than twenty minutes must be paid and lunch breaks thirty minutes or more do not need to be paid as long as an employee can do whatever he or she likes during this period according to the Department of Labor. Vacation leave is determined to the employer since Mississippi legislature does not have any established guidelines on this matter. Sick leave, Severance pay and holidays are all determined by an employer in the state of Mississippi due to established laws in this state (Mississippi Wage and Hour Laws, 2012). In August of 2012 Mississippi held a committee meeting on immigration reform. Governor Phil Bryant wanted to reaffirm a law preventing undocumented immigrants from recovering public benefits. The Mississippi Senate will have to take into consideration the United States Supreme Court rulings and federal appeals when drafting Mississippi legislature for immigration laws. The Mississippi state immigration law would have to comply with E-Verify laws and constitutional laws are not violated. President Barack Obama passed a deportation deferral to immigrants earlier this year but states can pass their own immigration reform laws such as Arizona and Alabama (Cherry, 2012). The United States Department of Labor established an act called The Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act or (MSPA) in order to protect these types of workers. The act protects employment related migrant and seasonal workers. The MSPA ensures that each nonexempt farm contractor and agricultural seasonal association disclose their terms and conditions of employment to each migrant worker. The terms and conditions of employment must be explained to the migrant and seasonal worker at the time of recruitment (Department of Labor, 2012). The job must description must also explain worker protection, amount of wages due to a migrant worker and provide an itemized statement of earnings and deductions (Department of Labor, 2012). The Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act also guide housing and transportation. The federal guide line ensures that housing and transportation provided meets federal and state guidelines with proper licensure and insurance which is enforced by the wage and hour division. The federal guidelines require records must be kept for at least three years which includes name, permanent addresses and social security numbers (Department of Labor, 2012). The Fair Labor Standards Act or (FLSA) requires that workers on large farms are paid minimum wage but they are excluded from overtime premium pay. The FLSA prevents children under the age of sixteen from working during school hours and working certain jobs deemed too dangerous. Children that are employed on their families’ farm are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (Department of Labor, 2012). The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) require employers that want to use foreign temporary workers with H-2A visas get a labor certificate from the Employment and Training Administration. The certificate ensures that there are not enough able, willing and qualified United State workers available to do the work. The Immigration and Nationality Act standard of the H-2A program is enforced by the wage and hour division (Department of Labor, 2012). Recommend a plan to manage the HRM situation within the confines of the law. Justify your approach to your scenario to HR management. The human resource management plan the writer recommends would be based on performance. Job performance and task performance represents what an employee contributes to an organization that employs them. Migrant workers would benefit from this type of grading system if the work performance is factory based. Task performance is the product of employees performing actions leading to the production of raw materials into goods and services. Studies have been performed to show job performance management provides feedback and measurement improves employee performance leading to better organizational performance (Stewart, Brown, 2011). The writer believes migrant workers may show citizenship behavior. Employees often show citizenship behavior by going the extra mile for the company, volunteering for special projects, following organizational procedures even if they are not convenient for the employee and defending the business where the employee works (Stewart, Brown, 2012). The writer would focus on counterproductive behavior before it starts. Counterproductive behavior is behavior from an employee that is harmful to a business. An employee can exhibit two types of counterproductive behavior: 1) production deviance 2) property deviance occurs when employee sabotage equipment, destroys materials and products and misuse expense accounts. The counterproductive behavior can also be extended to gossiping about coworkers and showing favoritism. The writer would create a manual of policies and procedures explaining how this behavior is prohibited and have disciplinary consequences set in place if this behavior is exhibited. The writer would not use performance appraisals as much. The main goal would be to give feedback to an employee and listen to any problems they may be having. State how a competitive advantage may be gained by ensuring HRM practices meet the necessary employment laws. A competitive advantage can be gained by ensuring human resource strategies are followed. A company must have an employee handbook, benefits package, job descriptions and a payroll system in place to ensure human resource strategies are at an advantage to the company. The steps above can be followed also to keep in compliance with legal employment issues. Laws and regulations are important to ensure equal rights to disabled worker, employment eligibility for migrant workers with the use of an I-9 form, drug screening and work place harassment. A competitive strategy can lead to effective human resource department and a successful business (Managing Employees, 2012). Speculate what might happen if the situation was not handled in accordance with the appropriate employment laws. A business that does not follow employment laws can face state and federal criminal charges. A business can avoid costly law suits by following laws to ensure employees are treated fairly. A company’s compliance can save money that would be used to repair a damaged reputation. Specific laws protect employees from immutable characteristics such as sex, race, age and religion. Characteristics such as tattoos, nose piercings and long hair are not covered by federal and state laws. State laws can set a basis by not discriminating against marital status or sexual orientation and may not conflict with federal laws. The writer speculates that if state and federal discrimination laws are broken a company can face many damaging hardships (Stewart, Brown, 2012). References Cherry, Daniel (2012). Lawmakers Gearing Up for Immigrant Reform Battle Retrieved from on November 18, 2012 Stewart, G., Brown, K. (2011). Human resource management (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons Managing Employees (2012). Retrieved from on November 18, 2012 Mississippi Wage and Hour Laws (2012). Employment Law Handbook, Retrieved from on November 18, 2012 The Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection, (2012) Department of Labor Retrieved from on November 18, 2012

Monday, September 16, 2019

How does Hamlet deal with the revengers r&amp Essay

Revenge is defined as â€Å"retaliation for an offence or injury†; Hamlet has two main reasons for needing revenge, political and moral. Politically he has to kill Claudius for the offence of denying Hamlet, the heir to the Danish kingdom, his usurped crown. He also has a moral reason, as the â€Å"son of a dear father murdered†(II. ii. 581); he has a duty to extract revenge for the injury; and filially to protect his mother by ridding her of an incestuous and immoral marriage to a murderer. He has no doubt even to himself that he does have this dutiful role to perform,† I know my course† (II. ii. 596). To seek this revenge he would have to kill Claudius and his mother, for they are both guilty of having impure souls. But one of the very first internal conflicts Hamlet has is when the Ghost tells him â€Å"nor let thy soul contrive Against thy mother aught. Leave her to heaven†¦ † (I. iv. 85). This leaves him in great turmoil, as he can justify to himself the killing of Claudius, but not letting his mother live. He is so overcome with a sense of purity and morality, especially with concern to women, it does not seem right to him that something so tainted should be allowed to carry on in the world. He wants his perfect revenge, one that would satisfy his meticulously accomplished conscience, but he can not carry it out, so instead he declines it altogether, or at least puts it off in stages, until he can prove it to himself and can put it off no longer. He is willing to taint his own soul and so go to hell and enter a damnation possibly even worse than that in which the Ghost resides, which he tells Hamlet just to know about would, â€Å"harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood, make thy two eyes like stars start from their spheres, thy knotted and combini d locks to part, and each particular hair to stand on end like quills upon the fretful porpentine† (I. iv. 16). Yet he is willing to suffer all this for the sake of revenge in killing Claudius, to avenge his father, so to save his mother, to â€Å"leave her to heaven† (I. v. 86), when even he is not allowed this blessing. What he is giving up to be the dutiful son and revenge his fathers murder in comparison to what Gertrude is giving up leaves his worse off than her, even though she has been an adulterous wife. Therefore her being allowed to live on in sin is as wrong not only on her part, but also on Hamlets for allowing it to be. Hamlet knows what he is sacrificing of himself, his immortal soul, if he is to take on the revengers’ ri le. It is a heavy burden to carry, and not one that he is willing to undertake lightly, so he wants to be absolutely certain of Claudius guilt before taking action. For as certain as he is of the course of action that must be taken, the truth of the Ghosts words must be ascertained, for when Hamlet converses with him he does not know for certain if it is â€Å"a spirit of health or goblin damned, bring with thee airs from heaven or blasts from hell, be thy intents wicked or charitable† (I. iv. 40). So to affirm the facts for himself, Hamlet has the players perform the play and watches for Claudius’s reaction to his own murderous and incestuous actions being acted out before him. For Hamlet this is supposed to be a resolution, a confirmation of his suspicions before he can act, a catalyst to spur him on depending on the success of his experiment. Hamlet becomes angry and disgusted with himself; he can’t understand his own lack of passion, even after proving to himself that Claudius is guilty. He is very aware of himself not crying in the rehearsal of the play, when the players are moved to tears over the story of the â€Å"rousid vengeance† (II. ii. 486) of Pyrrhus, Priam and Hecuba. As soon as he is alone, he bursts out â€Å"O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I! Is it not monstrous that this player here, But in a fiction, in a dream of passion, Could force his soul so to his own conceit That from her working all his visage waned, Tears in his eyes, distraction in his aspect†¦. And all for nothing† He feels miserable at his deficit, he is forced to compare himself and he comes of he worse. † What would he do had he the motive and the cue for passion that I have? †¦ Make mad the guilty and appal the free†. He again feels this lack of justified fervour when young Fortinbras goes to battle to fight and possibly to die for a land that is acknowledged to be not worth the sacrifice â€Å"we go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name† (IV. iv. 18). This is again someone showing emotion and action when there is not as much reason to do so as there is for Hamlet. When he is alone he sees what Fortinbras has done as being honourable and a rebuke of his own inaction, whereas before when talking to Fortinbras’ captain, he had been cynical as to the actions they were carrying out. He analyses himself as â€Å"thinking too precisely on th’event – A thought which, quartered, hath but one part wisdom and ever three parts coward† (IV. iv. 41). He sees his need to think things through before acting as a deplorable weakness. Even he can see hat he is being weak minded and indecisive. But even when convinced he can’t kill his uncle deliberately, in a rage he thinks he has killed him, but it was just Polonius. Having proved Claudius’ guilt, Hamlet now has to act, and yet does not act straight away, but postpones it, indicating that there are also other deeper subconscious reasons that could affect him. The death of his father at the beginning of the play and the hasty incestuous marriage of his mother upset him greatly and have led to his obsessions with death, decay, sin the body and its parts and with women, purity and the defiling of them. We can see this from speeches such as, â€Å"O that this too too sullied flesh would melt†¦ Or that the Everlasting had not fixed His cannon ‘gainst self-slaughter. † (I. ii. 129) â€Å"Frailty, thy name is woman. † (I. ii. 146) â€Å"For if the sun breed maggots in a dead dog, being a good kissing carrion – have you a daughter? † (II. ii. 181) â€Å"Or in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil† in which Hamlet is clearly fixed on purity, women, death and suicide. Claudius being a murder and committing incest and yet still having the crown of Denmark and outwardly appearing to be just, honourable and a good leader (quote? ) could explain why Hamlet often confuses the order of society in his speeches. This can be seen when he calls himself a â€Å"rogue and peasant slave† (II. ii.547) when he clearly isn’t, or when he calls himself â€Å"unpregnant† and likens himself to a â€Å"whore† in the same soliloquy, when he obviously is not. To Hamlet, Claudius is tainted and impure in mind and action, yet he is a good ruler of Denmark, a good king, and a good diplomat. He is efficient, confident, in control of affairs, in every way assured and poised. Hamlet identifies with Claudius in a way that restrains him from being able to kill him, hamlet has all the ability and the necessary desire, but Claudius has everything Hamlet wants, which leads to internal sub-conscious conflict on as well as his conscious conflicts. His mother’s ability to alter the direction of her affection from one person to another so suddenly hurts Hamlet, as having to share her with his own father was difficult enough, but at least was understandable. He is now jealous that someone else holds such high regard in her affections but at the same time is disgusted with her for loving someone else. But as his jealousy is repressed, as he doesn’t even admit to himself that he is jealous of his mother’s lovers, all he feels is a deep sense of disgust towards Gertrude that helps him deal with his rejection. Hamlet could be suffering from the theory that Freud developed, the Oedipus theory. This states that as children, young boys feel great bitterness and resentment towards their fathers for making them share their mothers affections and for having sexual relations with their mothers which the young boys also desire, and so they view their fathers as rivals that they would rather have out of the way. These thoughts are repressed as a form of defence for fear that their fathers will realise what they are thinking. To compensate for this they resolve the complex by over identifying with their fathers and adopting many of their fathers’ attitudes. This could be used to explain Hamlet’s impediment and self-frustration towards his revenge. He tries to carry out the task, but he is held back in some way, because he cannot kill a person who he recognises as so like himself in what he wants to be like and wishes he could do. His desires towards his mother have been so long repressed that they are now repulsive to him, but yet her remarrying brings those thoughts to his attention. He sees someone taking the place of his father in her affections, the place that he has long coveted. The nature of this usurper, a relative, makes the link between the two even more incestuous in Hamlet’s mind and even more connected towards him. This, coupled with the fact that Claudius is able to gain his mother’s affection by killing old Hamlet, ridding him, once again something that Hamlet has long wanted to do but repressed from himself, hinders Hamlet greatly from carrying out his revenge. When Hamlet discovers the identity of his father’s murderer his first instant reply is â€Å"O my prophetic soul! My uncle? † (I. v. 40). This does imply that unconsciously the idea had been in his mind and had suddenly been brought back to his awareness.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Corporal Punishment in Schools Essay

Corporal punishment is the deliberate infliction of pain as retribution for an offence, or for the purpose of disciplining or reforming a wrongdoer, or to deter attitudes or behaviour deemed unacceptable (Miller, Vandome, & McBrewster, 2009). Corporal punishment can be divided into three categories, these include: judicial, domestic and school. For the purpose of this essay we will be focusing on school corporal punishment, the advantages and guidelines to follow when using corporal punishment and the disadvantages and effects on children when child abuse is used in the name of corporal punishment. According to Vockell (1991), â€Å"Corporal punishment is the infliction of physical pain, contingent upon the occurrence of a misbehavior† (p. 278). It is a very controversial topic that is raised amongst educators across the nation. There are always advantages and disadvantages when hitting a child in the name of corporal punishment and the techniques used when punishing the child. Quite a few people support corporal punishment as an effective way of disciplining a child, while a large number of people believe corporal punishment is a cruel and inhumane way to deal with the child. Sometimes all children need is a little spanking to set them straight, help them see the errors of their ways, but, how would you know when you’re crossed the line from disciplining the child to committing child abuse. According to an article by Clark (2004): John Wilson suggests there are six advantages of corporal punishment: cheap and easy to administer, effective deterrent, effective reform, adjustable pain, fair: because of similar dislike of pain, no permanent damage (p.363). Some people who support corporal punishment can see only the positive effects of these advantages. Out of these six advantages and for the purpose of this essay, we will be focusing on five of the advantages. The first advantage of corporal punishment is that â€Å"it is cheap and easy to administer.† This simply means that, it will cost less to spank a child instead of a long period of imprisonment and if one does not care about the â€Å"niceties† about hitting a child, it can be easily administered. The second advantage that was stated by Wilson is that it is an â€Å"effective deterrent.† Educators believe that corporal punishment is the only language children understand because it is perceived as unpleasant. This may sound like a disad vantage, but, punishment by its own definition involves unpleasant stimulations. Children will likely keep to the rules govern by the institution because they would fear the physical pain and humiliation. The third advantage stated by Wilson is â€Å"effective reform,† this is the disciplining or reforming of a wrongdoer for misbehavior. As with effective deterrent, effective reform, also uses fear of physical pain and humiliation for attitudes or behaviour deemed unacceptable, to help improve or mend one’s ways. Another one of Wilson’s advantages states that â€Å"it is fair for all, since all people are similar in their dislike of pain† (Clark, 2004, p. 367). The recipients of physical pain knows how much it hurts to be spanked, paddled, canned, flogged or smacked, so they would try to stay clear of the obvious consequence. The final advantage states that there is â€Å"no permanent damage: when using corporal punishment. The recipients will learn self discipline when being administer corporal punishment as long as you follow the guidelines used in the institutions. These guidelines are put in place to help educators be responsible when disciplining a ch ild using corporal punishment. Simply put, the guidelines are a â€Å"How to manual† when administering corporal punishment. So here are some main guidelines of behavior management for corporal punishment. Firstly, educators should not use corporal punishment when a more appropriate technique is available, but there are always eases where sparing the rod can also spoil the child. If corporal punishment must be administered, educators should have a clear head. Teachers should not take out there anger and frustration out on the child. Punishment must be administered soon after the offence. Children tend to forget the reason why they are being punished after a long period of time has passed, making them believe that they should not be punished. It is also best to specify the behavior being punished. Educators must administer corporal punishment dispassionately. Teachers tend to spank or hit a child more aggressively because they might not like the child as a person. Not to mention, teachers should be bother wh en they are administering corporal punishment to any child. Administer corporal punishment in front of appropriate witnesses, these witnesses should be regarded as reliable and truthful in case of litigation. And, corporal punishment should be carried out with appropriate confidentiality, because, what good would it do to humiliate the child. And finally, make sure you follow all the rules and regulations prescribed by the school system, this is to assure you have the support and an effective defense, should a legal challenge arise. But with every advantage there is an equal disadvantage. Most people believe that corporal punishment in schools is not morally acceptance. This is where the disadvantages occur. According to Vockell (1991), â€Å"punishment is not likely to be logically related to the misbehavior† (p. 279). This just means that the students who are punished for misbehavior not worthy of punishment are victims of artificial punishment. Artificial punishment simply means, using another means of punishment instead of corporal punishment. The second disadvantage is that physical punishment often models socially inappropriate behavior to the child. According to Vockell (1991), a solid finding from child-rearing research states that, children who are spanked more often than others are more likely to hit other children and act out aggressively while growing up. Parents and teachers need to reason with children to make them better understand that there are consequences to their actions. The children should know that it hurts the adults more than its hurts them to be spanked. And, by explaining this to the children, they would not grow up solving their problems by hitting people that annoy them. Another disadvantage is that corporal punishment may inflict real injury to the child that can be related to child abuse. Teachers can sometimes take out there anger and frustration on children in the name of corporal punishment, leaving them with broken bones, torn ligaments, whiplash injury, blindness and in some cases death, just to name a few. Lastly, because of the injuries that children can sometimes sustain in the name of corporal punishment, litigation can occur. In the face of these injuries lawsuits are filed prohibiting corporal punishment in schools. Educators who believe that corporal punishment should be banned from school institution think that the physical and psychological effect on children far outweighs the advantages of corporal punishment. The arguments that are raised against corporal punishment said that is leads to abuse, it is degrading and humiliating, it is psychologically damaging and it teaches the wrong lesson. As always, there are instances where, corporal punishment can lead to abuse. A teacher maybe angry and frustrated at home and take out there vindictiveness and retaliation on the child. These teachers would then be crossing the line to physical abuse. Corporal punishment can be a degrading and humiliating form of punishment, because it involves the â€Å"direct and intense power to the body† especially if this punishment is carried out in front of the child’s peers. Corporal punishment can be psychologically damaging to a child. It causes submissiveness in the child affected by it, making them easy prey for predators who might sexually exploit them. No one can expect a child who is conditioned for corporal punishment to simply say no to a molester. And lastly, corporal punishment can sometimes teach the wrong lessons to children. According to Benatar (2001), â€Å"punishing a wrongdoer by inflicting physical pain sends the message that violence is an appropriate way to settle differences or to respond to problems. In conclusion, the arguments for corporal punishment might be practical and the only way for a wrongdoer to learn discipline and respect, but, at the end of the day, according to Europe (2007), â€Å"hitting people is wrong and children are people too† (5 p.). The effects on the children when using corporal punishment can be most damaging to their physical and emotional self. Even with school systems guidelines, teachers still commit child abuse in the name of corporal punishment. Bibliography B., P. (2006-2011). Phil For Humanity. Retrieved April 25, 2011, from The Pros and Cons Of Corporal Punishment: Benatar, D. (2001, October). Corpun. Retrieved April 25, 2011, from Corporal Punishment: Clark, J. (2004). Aganist the Corporal Punishment of Children. Cambridge Journal of Education , 363. Europe, C. o. (2007). Abolishing Corporal Punishment of Children: questions and answers. Council of Europe. Miller, F. P., Vandome, A. F., & McBrewster, J. (2009). Corporal Punishment. VDM Publishing House Ltd. Vockell, E. L. (1991). Corporal Punishment: The Pros and Cons. The Clearing House , 278-283.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Brand Personality

Consumer Behaviour Brand Personality: Red Bull Red bull has become one of the largest most profitable companies on the planet. One might ask how an energy drink company could become so big. The answer to that question is through an effective brand personality. Red bull began as a company in Thailand, and once entrepreneurs realized the potential opportunity it exploded. As of recently, Red Bull has gotten its name into just about every sport there is.Their niche is extreme sports and events but they also are involved in traditional team sports as well. To give a general sense of just how wide spread their reach is, we will take a look at just some of the sports and events they sponsor. The list is as follows: * New York Red Bull * MLS soccer team * Red Bull Crushed Ice: * Downhill ice skating race * Red Bull Racing: * Formula One racing * Red Bull’s â€Å"McConkey† Documentary: * Famous Skier/Base Jumper Documentary * Red Bull Rampage Utah Mountain biking competition * Red Bull Winch Sessions * Abstract Wakeboarding and snowboarding locations * Red Bull Art of Motion * Freerunning competition * Red Bull Stratos * Felix Baumgartner’s record breaking jump from 128,000 feet * Travis Rice’s: The Art of Flight * Snowboard documentary funded by Red Bull This list goes on. Just by these few examples there’s no question that Red Bull has developed a world famous brand personality, for being the leader in sports innovations.They have continually pushed the envelope when it comes to extreme activities. Using Felix Baumgartner’s jump as a primary example, Red Bull, not NASA, sent a man 128K feet to test the possibility of a human entering the atmosphere. Felix’s jump set records including highest (128K feet) and fastest (1342km/h – breaking the sound barrier) free fall ever. This recent event portrays Red Bull’s personality perfectly and just how creative and innovative they are becoming with regards to their sponsorships. Brand Personality Consumer Behaviour Brand Personality: Red Bull Red bull has become one of the largest most profitable companies on the planet. One might ask how an energy drink company could become so big. The answer to that question is through an effective brand personality. Red bull began as a company in Thailand, and once entrepreneurs realized the potential opportunity it exploded. As of recently, Red Bull has gotten its name into just about every sport there is.Their niche is extreme sports and events but they also are involved in traditional team sports as well. To give a general sense of just how wide spread their reach is, we will take a look at just some of the sports and events they sponsor. The list is as follows: * New York Red Bull * MLS soccer team * Red Bull Crushed Ice: * Downhill ice skating race * Red Bull Racing: * Formula One racing * Red Bull’s â€Å"McConkey† Documentary: * Famous Skier/Base Jumper Documentary * Red Bull Rampage Utah Mountain biking competition * Red Bull Winch Sessions * Abstract Wakeboarding and snowboarding locations * Red Bull Art of Motion * Freerunning competition * Red Bull Stratos * Felix Baumgartner’s record breaking jump from 128,000 feet * Travis Rice’s: The Art of Flight * Snowboard documentary funded by Red Bull This list goes on. Just by these few examples there’s no question that Red Bull has developed a world famous brand personality, for being the leader in sports innovations.They have continually pushed the envelope when it comes to extreme activities. Using Felix Baumgartner’s jump as a primary example, Red Bull, not NASA, sent a man 128K feet to test the possibility of a human entering the atmosphere. Felix’s jump set records including highest (128K feet) and fastest (1342km/h – breaking the sound barrier) free fall ever. This recent event portrays Red Bull’s personality perfectly and just how creative and innovative they are becoming with regards to their sponsorships. Brand Personality Consumer Behaviour Brand Personality: Red Bull Red bull has become one of the largest most profitable companies on the planet. One might ask how an energy drink company could become so big. The answer to that question is through an effective brand personality. Red bull began as a company in Thailand, and once entrepreneurs realized the potential opportunity it exploded. As of recently, Red Bull has gotten its name into just about every sport there is.Their niche is extreme sports and events but they also are involved in traditional team sports as well. To give a general sense of just how wide spread their reach is, we will take a look at just some of the sports and events they sponsor. The list is as follows: * New York Red Bull * MLS soccer team * Red Bull Crushed Ice: * Downhill ice skating race * Red Bull Racing: * Formula One racing * Red Bull’s â€Å"McConkey† Documentary: * Famous Skier/Base Jumper Documentary * Red Bull Rampage Utah Mountain biking competition * Red Bull Winch Sessions * Abstract Wakeboarding and snowboarding locations * Red Bull Art of Motion * Freerunning competition * Red Bull Stratos * Felix Baumgartner’s record breaking jump from 128,000 feet * Travis Rice’s: The Art of Flight * Snowboard documentary funded by Red Bull This list goes on. Just by these few examples there’s no question that Red Bull has developed a world famous brand personality, for being the leader in sports innovations.They have continually pushed the envelope when it comes to extreme activities. Using Felix Baumgartner’s jump as a primary example, Red Bull, not NASA, sent a man 128K feet to test the possibility of a human entering the atmosphere. Felix’s jump set records including highest (128K feet) and fastest (1342km/h – breaking the sound barrier) free fall ever. This recent event portrays Red Bull’s personality perfectly and just how creative and innovative they are becoming with regards to their sponsorships.